Your Personalised Estimate
ERP Cost Calculator
01 Company
02 Operations
03 Resources
04 Integration
05 Results
01 Company Structure & Scale
Do you have multiple entities (including across different countries)
If you do have multiple entities, would you like to manage them in a single database using multi-subsidiary functionality with consolidated reporting, or would you prefer to manage them in separate databases
How many physical branches or sites do you have
If you have multiple subsidiaries, then you will need at least one branch setup per subsidiary, even if both entities operate from the same location
How many system users do you have
Your Personalised Estimate
ERP Cost Calculator
01 Company
02 Operations
03 Resources
04 Integration
05 Results
02 Operations & Manufacturing
Do you have a separate Warehouse Management System (WMS)
If you currently use a paper based system, but would like to implement the built in ERP system or an external WMS, please select the relevant option for your future state
Do you manufacture or value-add products
- Basic kitting is simply selling two complementary products together and picking them together.
- Light assembly may involve welding or painting etc. to combine multiple component products into a new finished product.
- Advanced multi-step manufacturing is the same as light assembly, but requiring a more stringent process flow management as opposed to just starting and completing the entire process in one step.
- Job costing is for job specific assembly where no two jobs are the same, and labour is typically costed into the finished assembly cost.
Assembling for stock?
Is the manufacturing or stock assembly creating items to go into inventory, or is it specifically for customer orders?
Your Personalised Estimate
ERP Cost Calculator
01 Company
02 Operations
03 Resources
04 Integration
05 Results
03 Implementation Resources & Data
Do you have in-house resource to manage the project
How much historical data do you want to transfer.
Each option includes the previous selection - eg 1-2 years sales history includes the last 12 months GL balances as well
How much master data (SKUs/customers accounts etc) do you have
Is your master data clean
Your Personalised Estimate
ERP Cost Calculator
01 Company
02 Operations
03 Resources
04 Integration
05 Results
04 System Integration Requirements
Do you have an integrated website
Limited integration may include syncing product information to the website, and possibly allowing simple order entry. Fully integrated would support customer specific pricing, ability to lookup full account history from the ERP plus other additional features
Do you have a current CRM
If you plan to change CRM as part of your ERP implementation, please select your future state option
Does it need to be integrated
Do you have an integrated freight system
Do you use an external reporting system
01 Company
02 Operations
03 Resources
04 Integration
05 Results
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Your Personalised Estimate
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